NEBSA Spotlight - EBS: The Cinderella 5G Story

Bill Chotiner

Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Ericsson North America

Keynote Address: "EBS: The 5G Cinderella Story"

NEBSA is proud to welcome Bill Chotiner as Keynote Speaker for the NEBSA 2020 Conference.  Catch the Wave! Navigating the Future of EBS is the theme of the conference that will focus on the tremendous changes impacting EBS due to the recent FCC Report and Order. The conference will be held on February 10-12 in San Diego, California. More information can be found at


Bill Chotiner currently serves as the Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Customer Unit Regional Carriers with Ericsson North America.  He has extensive experience in strategic planning, networks, telecom and has been deeply involved in 5G evolution.  Bill has also been working with rural areas leveraging fixed wireless access to economically reduce the national broadband divide.

Previously, as the Head of RAN Evolution for Ericsson North America, Bill was responsible for driving radio technology change and adoption across all North American wireless operators. He worked with carriers to enhance and apply cutting edge technology to modernize networks and expand services.


Bill has a broad background with more than 25 years of experience in wireless and communications systems spanning the areas of radio, core and services.