NEBSA Updates - FCC Publishes EBS Report and Order in Federal Register

The FCC has published the EBS Report and Order in the Federal Register, and the new EBS rules generally went into effect on April 27, 2020.   The rules governing the Tribal filing window became effective earlier, on November 25, 2019.  Click Here to view the relevant Federal Register pages.

However, the permanent discontinuance rule, Section 1.953, has not yet gone into effect for EBS or any other wireless services, pending final OMB approval and Federal Register publication.  This page will be updated when that rule goes into effect, probably in the Fall of 2020.   EBS licensees should note that once the permanent discontinuance of operations rule becomes effective, EBS stations that are not transmitting services and meeting FCC performance benchmarks within 180 days of that effective date will be considered permanently discontinued (and thus will lose their licenses).

(Updated September 4, 2020 to reflect updated information)