NEBSA 2025 Annual Virtual Conference Registration Open
FCC Tribal License Reporting Deadline Approaches
NEBSA 2023 Conference Registration
Free Webinar - T-Mobile Migration 2022 - What's Next?
FCC Releases Public Notice for EBS Auction 108
FCC Commits Nearly $64 Billion in Latest Round of Emergency Connectivity Funding
FCC Releases Notices on White Space Auction
FCC Approves Additional 2.5 GHz Spectrum Licenses to Serve Alaska Native Communities
New Chair Nominated for the FCC
NEBSA 2022 Conference Registration
Innovation and Education In 2.5 GHz Webinar
Save the Date - NEBSA 2022 Annual Virtual Conference (Feb 28 to Mar 1, 2022)
First interactive, public broadband digital map released
NEBSA Provides Informative Webinar on 2.5 GHz Issues for Tribes
T-Mobile Sponsors 2022 NEBSA Conference
Acting FCC Chief States "Homework Gap" Vote by Mid-May
FCC Creating Rules for Broadband Discount Program
NEBSA 2021 Annual Virtual Conference Closes
Do You Have Potential Regulatory Issues Lurking In Your Future?
Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel Named as FCC Acting Chairwoman
EBS has been expanding the educational world for students and residents of rural Michigan thanks to the efforts of Northern Michigan University. Hear the story from the perspectives of a 12 year old student and a school principal.
In order to continue to provide value, NEBSA is seeking to learn more about the types of services and information you are most interested in.
Federal Communications Commission Launches Rural Tribal Window Webpage and Mapping Tool.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has revealed plans to change access to EBS 2.5 GHz spectrum.
The FCC has just posted a “draft” decision in the rulemaking on EBS, and it expects to adopt the decision during its monthly meeting on July 10, 2019.
The Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition (SHLB) has released an economic study assessing the economic and social value of extending the current EBS licensing regime.
Over 800 public interest, education and commercial signatories emphasize that keeping EBS educational is vital to close the homework gap.
The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) has provided their support for maintaining the educational mission of EBS
A gap in connectivity impacting student services among new multiple campus locations was filled through a creative solution using EBS.
Tell your representatives that the EBS Educational Mission Should Continue!
The South Carolina Educational Television program (SCETV) currently serves partners across two-thirds of the state, and more importantly, it offers access and educational resources to a younger group of students who might not otherwise get it..
ITEF awards grants for projects involving not just computer equipment and broadband access but telescopes, medical technology, music equipment, foreign language resources, projects in special needs classrooms, continuing education, and more.
It has been a long, interesting journey from the first ThinkPad and the first wired network on the Northern Michigan University (NMU) campus to the diverse collection of community networks that serve the upper peninsula today...
Community involvement opportunities, educational resources, scholarship and job opportunities are difficult for those whose ability to get internet coverage is limited due to price, location, or logistical concerns.