NEBSA 2025 Annual Virtual Conference Registration Open
FCC Tribal License Reporting Deadline Approaches
NEBSA 2023 Conference Registration
Free Webinar - T-Mobile Migration 2022 - What's Next?
FCC Releases Public Notice for EBS Auction 108
FCC Commits Nearly $64 Billion in Latest Round of Emergency Connectivity Funding
FCC Releases Notices on White Space Auction
FCC Approves Additional 2.5 GHz Spectrum Licenses to Serve Alaska Native Communities
New Chair Nominated for the FCC
NEBSA 2022 Conference Registration
Innovation and Education In 2.5 GHz Webinar
Save the Date - NEBSA 2022 Annual Virtual Conference (Feb 28 to Mar 1, 2022)
First interactive, public broadband digital map released
NEBSA Provides Informative Webinar on 2.5 GHz Issues for Tribes
T-Mobile Sponsors 2022 NEBSA Conference
Acting FCC Chief States "Homework Gap" Vote by Mid-May
FCC Creating Rules for Broadband Discount Program
NEBSA 2021 Annual Virtual Conference Closes
Do You Have Potential Regulatory Issues Lurking In Your Future?
Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel Named as FCC Acting Chairwoman
We sincerely thank all involved in the NEBSA 2021 Conference! Your support makes it happen!
Get the Information You Need! - Register Now for the NEBSA 2021 Conference
President Biden has designated FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel as Acting Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission.
NEBSA 2021 Conference Keynote Speaker: Amy Shaw, President and CEO of the Nine Network, "Rethinking the New Normal"
Auction 108 will offer up to three blocks of contiguous EBS spectrum on a county-by-county basis, for a total of approximately 8,300 licenses.
FCC Approves over 180 Rural Tribal Priority Window Applications for EBS Spectrum
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has announced plans to leave the FCC on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021.
T-Mobile recently expanded 2.5 GHz spectrum for 5G in almost 200 new locations.
Save the Date: Join us at the NEBSA Annual Meeting and Conference to be held online on February 22- 23, 2021.
T-Mobile is rapidly expanding the home broadband market by offering 5G fixed wireless service to under served areas using 2.5 GHz spectrum acquired through its Sprint purchase.
The FCC has agreed to extend the Rural Tribal Priority Window for 2.5 GHz spectrum applications by 30 days in light of the COVID pandemic.
The Clark County School District is distributing 48,000 Acer Chromebook computers purchased with Title 1 money to students across the county to keep them up to speed on their schooling.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to help address the digital divide during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
T-Mobile has completed its takeover of Sprint after a nearly two-year effort.
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced his plan for a COVID-19 Telehealth Program to support health care providers responding to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
The FCC released a Memorandum Opinion and Order granting the waiver request and allowing DHHL to apply as an eligible entity in the Rural Tribal Priority Window for EBS.
A summit on 5G and other events planned by federal agencies have been cancelled as the country continues to react to the spread of coronavirus.
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai emphasized the importance of keeping Americans connected as the country experiences serious disruptions caused by the coronavirus outbreak
At the Annual NEBSA Board of Directors Meeting, Eric Smith was named as the Board Chair. Mr. Smith succeeds Lynn Rejniak who successfully served as Chair from 2007- 2019.
Follow NEBSA on our new and improved twitter feed @nebsaebs. Join along for exciting updates and information on NEBSA, the upcoming NEBSA Conference, EBS, Technology, Education, Regulatory developments and more.